Linux Cubed Series 2: Applications
Linux Cubed Series 2 - Applications.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
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* *********************************************************************
* * Copyright (C) 1988, 1990 Stanford University. *
* * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this *
* * software and its documentation for any purpose and without *
* * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright *
* * notice appear in all copies. Stanford University *
* * makes no representations about the suitability of this *
* * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without *
* * express or implied warranty. Export of this software outside *
* * of the United States of America may require an export license. *
* *********************************************************************
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ana.h"
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include "graphics.h"
#include "ana_glob.h"
#include "Bitmaps/gray"
#include "Bitmaps/xpat"
#include "Bitmaps/left_arrows"
#include "Bitmaps/right_arrows"
#include "Bitmaps/left_curs"
#include "Bitmaps/left_mask"
#include "Bitmaps/right_curs"
#include "Bitmaps/right_mask"
#include "Bitmaps/chk"
#include "Bitmaps/iconbox"
#include "Bitmaps/sizebox"
#include "Bitmaps/select"
public PIX pix;
public GCS gcs;
public COL colors;
public CURS cursors;
private char tops_bits[3][2] = { 0x5, 0x7, 0x1, 0x3, 0x4, 0x6 };
private char bots_bits[3][2] = { 0x7, 0x5, 0x3, 0x1, 0x6, 0x4 };
#define SAME_COLOR( A, B ) \
( (A).red == (B).red and (A).green == (B).green and (A).blue == (B).blue )
private int GetColor( key, colors, ndefined )
int key;
XColor colors[];
int ndefined;
char *s;
XColor *color;
int i;
Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen( screen );
color = &colors[ndefined];
s = GetXDefault( key );
if( XParseColor( display, cmap, s, color ) == 0 )
if( IsDefault( key, s ) )
return( FALSE );
fprintf( stderr, "server doesn't know color '%s'", s );
s = ProgDefault( key );
if( XParseColor( display, cmap, s, color ) == 0 )
fprintf( stderr, " or '%s'\n", s ); /* weird, should not be */
return( FALSE );
fprintf( stderr, "using '%s' instead\n", s );
for( i = 0; i < ndefined; i++ )
if( SAME_COLOR( *color, colors[i] ) )
color->pixel = colors[i].pixel;
return( TRUE );
return( (XAllocColor( display, cmap, color ) == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE );
#define TRACE_COLOR 2
#define BORDER_COLOR 6
#define MAX_NCOLORS 7
private void SetColors()
int stat;
char *def;
XColor coldef[ MAX_NCOLORS ];
if( PlanesOfScreen( screen ) < 2 )
goto mono;
if( not GetColor( DEFL_BG, coldef, BACKGROUND_COLOR ) )
goto mono;
colors.black = coldef[ BACKGROUND_COLOR ].pixel;
if( not GetColor( DEFL_FG, coldef, FOREGROUND_COLOR ) )
goto mono;
colors.white = coldef[ FOREGROUND_COLOR ].pixel;
if( GetColor( DEFL_TRCOLOR, coldef, TRACE_COLOR ) )
colors.traces = coldef[ TRACE_COLOR ].pixel;
colors.traces = colors.white;
if( GetColor( DEFL_HIGL, coldef, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR ) )
colors.color_hilite = TRUE;
colors.hilite = coldef[ HIGHLIGHT_COLOR ].pixel;
if( ((colors.black | colors.hilite) == colors.hilite and
(colors.traces & ~colors.hilite) == colors.traces ) )
colors.disj = 1;
else if( (colors.black & ~colors.hilite) == colors.hilite and
(colors.traces | colors.hilite) == colors.traces )
colors.disj = 2;
colors.disj = 0;
colors.disj = 0;
colors.hilite = colors.black;
colors.color_hilite = FALSE;
colors.mono = TRUE;
if( GetColor( DEFL_BANN_BG, coldef, BANNER_BG_COLOR ) )
colors.banner_bg = coldef[ BANNER_BG_COLOR ].pixel;
colors.banner_bg = colors.white;
if( GetColor( DEFL_BANN_FG, coldef, BANNER_FG_COLOR ) )
colors.banner_fg = coldef[ BANNER_FG_COLOR ].pixel;
colors.banner_fg = colors.black;
if( GetColor( DEFL_BDRCOLOR, coldef, BORDER_COLOR ) )
colors.border = coldef[ BORDER_COLOR ].pixel;
colors.border = colors.black;
colors.mono = TRUE;
colors.color_hilite = FALSE;
colors.disj = 0;
colors.black = BlackPixelOfScreen( screen );
colors.white = WhitePixelOfScreen( screen );
if( strcmp( GetXDefault( DEFL_RV ), "on" ) == 0 )
SWAP( Pixel, colors.black, colors.white );
colors.traces = colors.banner_bg = colors.white;
colors.hilite = colors.banner_fg = colors.border = colors.black;
#define MakeBitmap( D, W, H ) \
XCreateBitmapFromData( display, DefaultRootWindow( display ), D, W, H );
#define MakePixmap( D, W, H, FG, BG ) \
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( display, DefaultRootWindow( display ), \
D, W, H, FG, BG, DefaultDepthOfScreen( screen ) )
private void InitBitmaps()
int i;
pix.gray = MakePixmap( gray_bits, gray_width, gray_height,
colors.white, colors.black );
pix.xpat = MakePixmap( xpat_bits, xpat_width, xpat_height, colors.traces,
colors.black );
pix.left_arrows = MakePixmap( left_arrows_bits, left_arrows_width,
left_arrows_height, colors.black, colors.white );
pix.right_arrows = MakePixmap( right_arrows_bits, right_arrows_width,
right_arrows_height, colors.black, colors.white );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
pix.tops[i] = MakePixmap( tops_bits[i], 3, 2,
colors.traces, colors.black);
pix.bots[i] = MakePixmap( bots_bits[i], 3, 2,
colors.traces, colors.black);
pix.chk = MakePixmap( chk_bits, chk_width, chk_height, colors.black,
colors.white );
pix.iconbox = MakePixmap( iconbox_bits, iconbox_width, iconbox_height,
colors.banner_fg, colors.banner_bg );
pix.sizebox = MakePixmap( sizebox_bits, sizebox_width, sizebox_height,
colors.banner_fg, colors.banner_bg );
pix.select = MakePixmap( select_bits, select_width, select_height,
colors.banner_fg, colors.banner_bg );
pix.icon = InitIconBitmap();
private Cursor MakeCursor( fg, bg, curs, mask, w, h, x, y )
XColor *fg, *bg;
char *curs, *mask;
int w, h;
Pixmap pcurs, pmask;
Cursor cu;
pcurs = MakeBitmap( curs, w, h );
pmask = MakeBitmap( mask, w, h );
cu = XCreatePixmapCursor( display, pcurs, pmask, fg, bg, x, y );
XFreePixmap( display, pcurs );
XFreePixmap( display, pmask );
return( cu );
private void InitCursors()
XColor cols[2];
cols[0].pixel = colors.white;
cols[1].pixel = colors.black;
XQueryColors ( display, DefaultColormapOfScreen( screen ), cols, 2 );
#define WHITE (&cols[0])
#define BLACK (&cols[1])
cursors.deflt = XCreateFontCursor( display, XC_left_ptr );
XRecolorCursor( display, cursors.deflt, WHITE, BLACK );
cursors.left = MakeCursor( WHITE, BLACK, left_curs_bits, left_mask_bits,
left_curs_width, left_curs_height, left_curs_x_hot, left_curs_y_hot );
cursors.right = MakeCursor( WHITE, BLACK, right_curs_bits,
right_mask_bits, right_curs_width, right_curs_height, right_curs_x_hot,
right_curs_y_hot );
cursors.timer = XCreateFontCursor( display, XC_watch );
XRecolorCursor( display, cursors.timer, BLACK, WHITE );
cursors.move = XCreateFontCursor( display, XC_fleur );
XRecolorCursor( display, cursors.timer, BLACK, WHITE );
#undef WHITE
#undef BLACK
public void InitGraphics( font )
Font font;
XGCValues gcv;
unsigned long mask;
Window root;
root = RootWindowOfScreen( screen );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.white; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.black; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcs.white = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.black; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.white; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcs.black = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = (colors.black | colors.white); mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.function = GXinvert; mask |= GCFunction;
gcv.plane_mask = (colors.black ^ colors.white); mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcs.inv = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.white; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.black; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.function = GXcopy; mask |= GCFunction;
gcv.tile = pix.gray; mask |= GCTile;
gcv.fill_style = FillTiled; mask |= GCFillStyle;
gcs.gray = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
if( colors.disj )
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.black; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.traces; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcv.plane_mask = (colors.traces|colors.black); mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcs.traceBg = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.traces; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.black; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcv.plane_mask = (colors.traces|colors.black); mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcs.traceFg = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.traces; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.black; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.tile = pix.xpat; mask |= GCTile;
gcv.fill_style = FillTiled; mask |= GCFillStyle;
gcv.plane_mask = (colors.traces|colors.black); mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcs.xpat = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.hilite; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.plane_mask = (~colors.traces & ~colors.black & colors.hilite);
mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcv.function = (colors.disj == 1) ? GXset : GXclear;
mask |= GCFunction;
gcs.hilite = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.hilite; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.plane_mask = (~colors.traces & ~colors.black & colors.hilite);
mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcv.function = (colors.disj == 2) ? GXset : GXclear;
mask |= GCFunction;
gcs.unhilite = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
gcs.curs_on = gcs.hilite;
gcs.curs_off = gcs.unhilite;
else /* colors not disjoint */
if( colors.traces == colors.white )
gcs.traceFg = gcs.white;
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.traces; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.black; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcs.traceFg = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
gcs.traceBg = gcs.black;
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.traces; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.black; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.tile = pix.xpat; mask |= GCTile;
gcv.fill_style = FillTiled; mask |= GCFillStyle;
gcs.xpat = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
if( colors.color_hilite )
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.hilite | colors.black;
mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.plane_mask = colors.hilite ^ colors.black;
mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcv.function = GXinvert; mask |= GCFunction;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcs.hilite = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
gcs.curs_off = gcs.curs_on = gcs.unhilite = gcs.hilite; /* xor */
mask = 0;
gcv.function = GXinvert; mask |= GCFunction;
gcv.fill_style = FillTiled; mask |= GCFillStyle;
gcv.tile = pix.gray; mask |= GCTile;
gcs.curs_on = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
gcs.curs_off = gcs.curs_on;
gcs.hilite = gcs.unhilite = gcs.inv; /* use xor */
if( colors.banner_bg == colors.white and
colors.banner_fg == colors.black )
gcs.bannerBg = gcs.white;
gcs.bannerFg = gcs.black;
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.banner_fg; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.banner_bg; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcs.bannerFg = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.banner_bg; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.banner_fg; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.line_width = 1; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.font = font; mask |= GCFont;
gcs.bannerBg = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.banner_fg; mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.background = colors.banner_bg; mask |= GCBackground;
gcv.tile = pix.select; mask |= GCTile;
gcv.fill_style = FillTiled; mask |= GCFillStyle;
gcs.select = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
if( colors.border == colors.black )
gcs.border = gcs.black;
else if( colors.border == colors.white )
gcs.border = gcs.white;
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = colors.border; mask |= GCForeground;
gcs.border = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );
mask = 0;
gcv.foreground = (colors.banner_fg | colors.banner_bg);
mask |= GCForeground;
gcv.function = GXinvert; mask |= GCFunction;
gcv.plane_mask = (colors.banner_fg ^ colors.banner_bg);
mask |= GCPlaneMask;
gcv.line_width = 0; mask |= GCLineWidth;
gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors; mask |= GCSubwindowMode;
gcs.invert = XCreateGC( display, root, mask, &gcv );